Sniffs from ruleset.xml

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Type Name Zend PEAR
Classes ClassDeclaration Y N
Definition: no spaces between class name and brace, only one new line by itself
ControlStructures ControlSignature Y N
Definition: conditions and control structures must have a space before and after the parentheses
Definition: conditions and control structures opening bracket must be on the same line followed only by a new line
ControlStructures InlineControlStructure N Y
Definition: warn on inline control structures, not error
PEAR Property - error: false
Files LineEndings Y Y
Zend Property - eolChar: \n
PEAR Property - eolChar: \n
Files LineLength Y Y
Zend Property - lineLimit: 80
Zend Property - absoluteLineLimit: 120
PEAR Property - lineLimit: 85
PEAR Property - absoluteLineLimit: 0
Functions FunctionCallArgumentSpacing Y Y
Definition: no space before comma in function call (getStudent($pidm , $term) vs getStudent($pidm, $term))
Definition: must have a space after a comma in a function call (getStudent($pidm,$term) vs getStudent($pidm, $term))
Functions FunctionCallArgumentSpacing.TooMuchSpaceAfterComma N Y
Definition: spaces after comma allowed for alignment purposes
Functions FunctionCallSignature Y N
Definition: space before opening parenthesis of function call prohibited
Definition: space after closing parenthesis of function call prohibited
Definition: space after opening parenthesis of function call prohibited (SingleLineCall)
Definition: multi-line function call not indented correctly; Line following opening parentheses must be indented one more than the function itself
Definition: opening parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be the last content on the line
Definition: closing parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be on a line by itself
Functions GlobalFunction Y N
Definition: no global functions allowed except for _autoload
Functions OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllman Y N
Definition: no spaces between function/method name and brace, only one new line by itself
Functions ValidDefaultValue Y N
Definition: arguments with default values must be at the end of the argument list
NamingConventions UpperCaseConstantName N Y
Definition: constants must be uppercase
PHP DisallowShortOpenTag Y Y
Definition: no short opening tags allowed; Must be <?php not <? or <?=
PHP LowerCaseConstant N Y
Definition: TRUE, FALSE and NULL must be lowercase
WhiteSpace DisallowTabIndent Y Y
Definition: spaces must be used to indent lines; tabs are not allowed
WhiteSpace ScopeClosingBrace Y N
Definition: closing brace indented incorrectly
Definition: break statement indented incorrectly; Must be indented one more than the case statement
Definition: closing brace must be on a line by itself

Zend Custom Sniffs

  1. Files::ClosingTag
    A closing tag is not permitted at the end of a PHP file
  2. NamingConventions::ValidVariableName
    Variable is not in valid camel caps format
  3. NamingConventions::ValidVariableName
    Public member variable must not contain a leading underscore
  4. NamingConventions::ValidVariableName
    Member variable must contain a leading underscore

PEAR Custom Sniffs

  1. Classes::ClassDeclaration
    Possible parse error: missing opening or closing brace
  2. Classes::ClassDeclaration
    Opening brace must be on the line after the definition
  3. Classes::ClassDeclaration
    Opening brace must be on the line following the declaration found line(s)
  4. Classes::ClassDeclaration
    Opening brace must be on a line by itself
  5. Classes::ClassDeclaration
    Expected 0 spaces before opening brace found
  6. Commenting::ClassComment
    You must use "/**" style comments for a comment
  7. Commenting::ClassComment
    Missing doc comment
  8. Commenting::ClassComment
    Doc comment is empty for
  9. Commenting::ClassComment
    Extra newline(s) found before comment short description
  10. Commenting::ClassComment
    There must be exactly one blank line between descriptions in comments
  11. Commenting::ClassComment
    There must be exactly one blank line before the tags in comments
  12. Commenting::ClassComment
    Content missing for @version tag in doc comment
  13. Commenting::ClassComment
    Invalid version in doc comment consider "Release: <package_version>" instead
  14. Commenting::FileComment
    You must use "/**" style comments for a file comment
  15. Commenting::FileComment
    Missing file doc comment
  16. Commenting::FileComment
    File doc comment is empty
  17. Commenting::FileComment
    Extra newline(s) found before file comment short description
  18. Commenting::FileComment
    There must be exactly one blank line between descriptions in file comment
  19. Commenting::FileComment
    There must be exactly one blank line before the tags in file comment
  20. Commenting::FileComment
    PHP version not specified
  21. Commenting::FileComment
    Missing @ tag in comment
  22. Commenting::FileComment
    Only 1 @ tag is allowed in a comment
  23. Commenting::FileComment
    @ tags must be grouped together
  24. Commenting::FileComment
    The @ tag is in the wrong order the tag
  25. Commenting::FileComment
    @ tag comment indented incorrectly expected spaces
  26. Commenting::FileComment
    Category name is not valid
  27. Commenting::FileComment
    @category tag must contain a name
  28. Commenting::FileComment
    Package name is not valid
  29. Commenting::FileComment
    @package tag must contain a name
  30. Commenting::FileComment
    Subpackage name is not valid
  31. Commenting::FileComment
    @subpackage tag must contain a name
  32. Commenting::FileComment
    Content of the @author tag must be in the form "Display Name <>"
  33. Commenting::FileComment
    Content missing for @author tag in comment
  34. Commenting::FileComment
    A hyphen must be used between the earliest and latest year
  35. Commenting::FileComment
    "Invalid year span "$matches[1]$matches[3]$matches[4]" found consider "$matches[4]-$matches[1]" instead"
  36. Commenting::FileComment
    @copyright tag must contain a year and the name of the copyright holder
  37. Commenting::FileComment
    @license tag must contain a URL and a license name
  38. Commenting::FileComment
    Content missing for @version tag in file comment
  39. Commenting::FileComment
    Invalid version in file comment consider "CVS: <cvs_id>" or "SVN: <svn_id>" instead
  40. Commenting::FunctionComment
    You must use "/**" style comments for a function comment
  41. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Function doc comment is empty
  42. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Extra newline(s) found before function comment short description
  43. Commenting::FunctionComment
    There must be exactly one blank line between descriptions in function comment
  44. Commenting::FunctionComment
    There must be exactly one blank line before the tags in function comment
  45. Commenting::FunctionComment
    @throws tag must contain the exception class name
  46. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Missing @return tag in function comment
  47. Commenting::FunctionComment
    @return tag is empty in function comment
  48. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it
  49. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Parameters must appear immediately after the comment
  50. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Expected 1 space before variable type
  51. Commenting::FunctionComment
    The variable names for parameters () and () do not align
  52. Commenting::FunctionComment
    The comments for parameters () and () do not align
  53. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Doc comment for var does not match
  54. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Superfluous doc comment at position .$pos
  55. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Missing parameter name at position .$pos
  56. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Missing type at position .$pos
  57. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Missing comment for param at position
  58. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Expected 1 space after the longest type
  59. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Expected 1 space after the longest variable name
  60. Commenting::FunctionComment
    Doc comment for missing
  61. Commenting::InlineComment
    Perl-style comments are not allowed. Use "// Comment."
  62. ControlStructures::MultiLineCondition
    Closing parenthesis of a multi-line IF statement must be on a new line
  63. ControlStructures::MultiLineCondition
    Multi-line IF statement not indented correctly expected spaces
  64. ControlStructures::MultiLineCondition
    Each line in a multi-line IF statement must begin with a boolean operator
  65. ControlStructures::MultiLineCondition
    There must be a single space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace of a multi-line IF statement
  66. ControlStructures::MultiLineCondition
    There must be a single space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace of a multi-line IF statement
  67. Files::IncludingFile
    Is a statement not a function no parentheses are required
  68. Files::IncludingFile
    File is being conditionally included
  69. Files::IncludingFile
    File is being unconditionally included
  70. Formatting::MultiLineAssignment
    Multi-line assignments must have the equal sign on the second line
  71. Formatting::MultiLineAssignment
    Multi-line assignment not indented correctly expected spaces
  72. Functions::FunctionCallSignature
    Space before opening parenthesis of function call prohibited
  73. Functions::FunctionCallSignature
    Space after closing parenthesis of function call prohibited
  74. Functions::FunctionCallSignature
    Space after opening parenthesis of function call prohibited
  75. Functions::FunctionCallSignature
    Space before closing parenthesis of function call prohibited
  76. Functions::FunctionCallSignature
    Multi-line function call not indented correctly expected spaces
  77. Functions::FunctionCallSignature
    Opening parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be the last content on the line
  78. Functions::FunctionCallSignature
    Closing parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be on a line by itself
  79. Functions::FunctionDeclaration
    Multi-line function declaration not indented correctly expected spaces
  80. Functions::FunctionDeclaration
    There must be a single space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace of a multi-line function declaration
  81. Functions::FunctionDeclaration
    There must be a single space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace of a multi-line function declaration
  82. Functions::FunctionDeclaration
    The closing parenthesis of a multi-line function declaration must be on a new line
  83. Functions::ValidDefaultValue
    Arguments with default values must be at the end of the argument list
  84. NamingConventions::ValidClassName
    Name must begin with a capital letter
  85. NamingConventions::ValidClassName
    Name is not valid
  86. NamingConventions::ValidClassName
    Name is not valid
  87. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Method name is invalid only PHP magic methods should be prefixed with a double underscore
  88. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Private method name must be prefixed with an underscore
  89. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Method name must not be prefixed with an underscore
  90. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Method name is not in camel caps format
  91. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Function name is invalid only PHP magic methods should be prefixed with a double underscore
  92. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Function name is invalid only private methods should be prefixed with an underscore
  93. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Function name is prefixed with a package name but does not begin with a capital letter
  94. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Function name is not valid name appears incomplete
  95. NamingConventions::ValidFunctionName
    Function name is invalid
  96. NamingConventions::ValidVariableName
    Private member variable must be prefixed with an underscore
  97. NamingConventions::ValidVariableName
    Member variable must not be prefixed with an underscore
  98. WhiteSpace::ObjectOperatorIndent
    Object operator not indented correctly expected spaces
  99. WhiteSpace::ObjectOperatorIndent
    Object operator must be at the start of the line, not the end
  100. WhiteSpace::ScopeClosingBrace
    Closing brace must be on a line by itself
  101. WhiteSpace::ScopeClosingBrace
    Break statement indented incorrectly expected spaces
  102. WhiteSpace::ScopeClosingBrace
    Closing brace indented incorrectly expected spaces